Here to Serve and Inspire You

Tony is a Meditation Teacher, Reiki Practitioner, Personal Mentor, Pattern-Changing Facilitator and Life Review facilitator based in Paducah, Kentucky.

You can trust me to be completely supportive, non-judgmental and loving, and to maintain confidentiality. It is my honor to assist you in shedding limitations, healing, and becoming more of your True Self. —Tony

My Story

ToneLove was a nickname I adopted at a group training event years ago. It’s sort of like “Tone Loc” the rap artist from the 1980s, but with a twist that suits me better! 

I’ve always been focused on Love. Sometimes, in my younger years, life was confusing because it turns out that not everyone is all about Love, at least on the surface. We carry our traumas and limiting beliefs around with us and it can interfere with being loving toward others. 

We all have our wounded places and unconscious sources of problems. Which is why I love this work. The services I offer, including the Life Review with New Perspectives, Personal Mentoring Sessions, Pattern Changing and Limiting Belief Elimination, and Presence Meditation, are designed to help remove these obstacles in our consciousness so we can return to our true selves. 

I’m passionate about helping others directly experience liberation. Liberation from what? From the limiting beliefs and energetic patterns of the human conscious mind and ego. These limitations come from our past experiences, traumas, and misunderstandings.

Beneath these limitations, we are all made of pure Love. We all come from God or source energy. We are all part of the Godforce! My work is to help you return to your True Self and your true loving essence so you can be freer, happier, healthier, more clear, confident and calm. I am compassionate and focused on using my skills, knowledge and heart power to make YOUR life better! 🙂 

"Tony is the most loving and dedicated man I've ever known. He genuinely wants to do everything he can to help you. And help you he will! He has great tools of consciousness, coupled with massive integrity. You'll see."

Tony's studies & Major influences

  • Eckhart Tolle “Teaching Presence” Course; in depth study and practice of all Eckhart Tolle books and teachings

  • Belief Work: Lefkoe Method training. Also: Louise Hay, Bashar, Seth, Byron Katie, Eckhart Tolle

  • Reiki Tummo certification (Levels 1, 2, 3)

  • Working with Kundalini energy: years of dedicated practice with energy work techniques and coursework (Robert Bruce, and Raja Choudhury)

  • Monroe Institute consciousness exploration programs: Gateway Voyage, Guidelines, Lifeline, Exploration 27

  • Meditation training, self-taught plus training from Sanaya Roman, Bashar, Charlotte Tinker

  • In-depth study of Kurt LeLand’s “MultiDimensional Human” and “Otherwhere”

  • Many years of self-discipline, OBE, and consciousness exploration (teachings by Nicholas Newport, Albert Taylor, Robert Monroe, William Buhlman, Kurt LeLand and others)

  • Martial Arts “in-the-body” training and practice

  • Ken Keyes, Jr. interpersonal dynamics and relationship studies

  • Metaphysical studies: the Seth material by Jane Roberts, Bashar, Orin and DaBen, Neville Goddard, Florence Scovel Shinn, Emmet Fox, and countless others, 

Do you have questions for Tony? Click here to get in touch.


I grew up in Massachusetts in the 1970s. My Greek-American family ran a busy restaurant in downtown Boston, so many of my earliest memories involve sitting on a big sack of potatoes, waiting for my parents to get done working. Too young to work, I was placed in an area where I wouldn’t get in the way, and I amused myself with my vivid imagination, exploring other worlds within my own consciousness. 

I didn’t know it until much later in life, but I was different from a lot of kids my age. I was always good with people, as I loved them and enjoyed direct interaction. But when I went to school and they taught us to read, I was hopelessly left behind. I later realized that I had severe dyslexia. But in those days and in those schools, nobody knew much about it or paid any attention. I tried to cover up the fact that I didn’t understand what was going on. Somehow I made it through and eventually graduated high school.

While I struggled academically, my parents were struggling financially. We had to move out of our beloved home and move in with my grandparents in the inner city. This was a blow to my abusive alcoholic father’s ego, and he took out his unhappiness on his family—physically, emotionally and psychologically. Between the rough neighborhood and an abusive father, the only safe place to be was in my imagination. But it wasn’t just “imagination.” I had the ability to access worlds beyond the physical, which I’ve come to understand is part of the gift of dyslexia.

For years, I battled with strong addictive tendencies with everything from sugar and caffeine to cigarettes and the harder stuff. I was using substances to self-medicate and avoid feeling all those uncomfortable feelings, including the lack of self-love that stemmed from my childhood experiences.

After doing a great deal of inner work and consciousness exploration, I re-discovered the Eckhart Tolle teachings and began practicing being in the Present moment and confronting whatever disturbed my peace. By employing these “presence” tools for inner body awareness and meditation, I was able to finally break free of all these addictions and the thoughts and beliefs involved that were keeping me stuck.

Now I use these same tools daily to maintain my own state of being and to teach others how to experience a state of pure Presence for themselves. My experience with addictions also propelled me to learn about the power of Limiting Beliefs, which in turn led to more training and study, and the creation of the Pattern-Changing Work I now use to help other people break free of their unwanted patterns.

As harsh as that childhood experience was, there is a reason for everything. I chose these parents for my own growth as a sovereign being. My mother was extremely loving, supportive and fun while my father was the exact opposite: a tortured soul who tortured others. In a self-channeling session, it was revealed to me (to my conscious mind, that is) that I chose my parents because they taught me the clarity of what Love is and isn’t. Who to be and who not to be. The lesson is crystal clear now. 

I’ve had to do a lot of inner work with forgiveness and compassion, which helps me to be more effective as a practitioner and more loving and sovereign as a human being. There have been so many books, courses, training programs and session along the way that all contributed to where I am now, each providing a piece of the puzzle and moving me toward more wholeness. During a healing session, I was given a specific exercise that really “sealed the deal” and provided peaceful closure in my relationship with my father. That was a pivotal point in my journey, so I decided to help others experience the relief and release that I experienced. 

As more time went by, the Life Review session emerged in my “toolbox” of offerings. It’s a blending of many elements of the healing and personal growth tools I use. We work with the conscious mind being fully present, and we use various techniques that leave you, the client, with New Perspectives about your life. It’s a tremendous transformation that takes place and I feel so fortunate to be able to facilitate this process. A Life Review leaves you feeling peaceful and satisfied and more well-prepared for that transition we call “death,” which is actually a continuation of life in another form or realm or dimension.

So yes, I have been through some stuff, just as you have. Different “stuff” than you perhaps, but all pointing at the same thing: we are here (re-)learning to BE Love, to express Love to others, and to Love ourselves. We’re in the process of becoming more whole and shedding all the false ideas and beliefs and defenses and misunderstandings about who and what we are. This is the time and the place to do it. We are part of a big shift in human consciousness.

I think that these scars we carry can become our strengths because they allow us to feel greater compassion for the struggles of others. My last name is related to the Greek word for “scar” and translates to “chiseler.” My wife Debbianne has helped me to see the gifts in my life, pointing out that Michelangelo saw the angel in the block of stone and was merely freeing it by chiseling away the excess material surrounding it. That’s what we’re all doing! The tools I employ with my clients help to “chisel” away at the false ideas and limitations, and reveal the pure Love and consciousness that exists all along,  underneath.


As a teenager I started working in the family restaurant in Boston. I enjoyed cooking for others, but the environment was incredibly stressful, especially with my alcoholic father barking orders at everyone. I enrolled at Johnson & Wales for culinary training but was called back home to the family business before I finished. My father was in the process of destroying both his self-built empire and every relationship he’s ever had. 

This turned out to be a blessing in disguise. In my mid-20s, with the family lineage reduced to nothing but debt and bad feelings, I was free to step onto my own path for the first time.

I had always been very good at doing celebrity impressions. My dyslexic mind went into fantastic realms and I “became” the character. My mother and sister were extremely supportive of my acting abilities, so I started taking professional acting classes and voice training lessons. Then I saved up enough money to move out to the West Coast. Hollywood! Where else does an aspiring actor go?

I was excited about this new life for a few years. I landed some roles in film and television, and even got my SAG card (Screen Actor’s Guild union membership). But something inside me wanted me to leave. Eventually, I did just that. I didn’t know why until much later.

During those aspiring actor years, I found a technique that helped me overcome the learning disability aspect of my dyslexia. (Otherwise, it is truly a gift to be dyslexic and it’s essential to my life’s mission. You can learn more about dyslexia by clicking here.)

With my newfound reading skills, I became a studying maniac, devouring self-help books of all kinds—inspirational, mystical, empowering. My wife will attest to my intense studying methods—she makes fun of my well-worn favorite books that have huge amounts of highlighter, underlines, stars and notes in the margins. When I learn something, I go over it many, many times. I want to really learn it completely and not miss anything.

Leaving Hollywood, I turned to traveling sales work because it enabled me to work directly with people, which I love. I made the most of it, though increasingly as time went by, my heart was not always in the things that I was selling. I yearned for a more meaningful way to help people and have deep conversations about things that truly matter.

I spent any spare time I had learning more about consciousness. I was compelled to explore and know more. I studied and practiced lucid dreaming and astral projection to have expansive learning experiences. I was fascinated with knowing more about what and who we are, because obviously we are so much more than just physical human beings living in a rat race reality.

My quest for knowledge and experience eventually led me to The Monroe Institute where I enrolled in a number of their excellent consciousness exploration programs. That’s where I met my wife, Debbianne, back in 2012. When I was at a crossroads, career-wise, she encouraged me to give acting another chance because it seemed like I had some unfinished business with Hollywood. 

So back to L.A. it was. I landed some acting gigs here and there, and worked at a day job that allowed me to work on myself, which was much more important. Incidentally, acting was never superficial to me. Doing an impression of another person or assuming the role of a character is like merging with them, soul to soul. There is no room for judgmental attitudes in acting because you must be willing to embrace all sorts of people, characters, beliefs, actions and motives. Acting is not pretending to be someone else; it’s finding the sameness or connection between you and the character. And above all, where there is comedy, there is laughter, so it can be very healing. 

At that time, my mother became seriously ill. I flew back to Boston to be with her, and helped her find peace with the inevitability of dropping her physical body. I coached her to meditate and explained that she would be meeting with her beloved parents soon. She responded well to these ideas and passed away peacefully shortly after my visit. I think this was the start of my personal experience and passion in helping people, especially elders, to find peace toward the end of their lives. Fear of death is widespread in our society but it doesn’t have to be that way. 

When my mom passed on, I felt sad… but also strangely free. I quickly realized that this dream of becoming an actor was really my mother’s dream for me, and not my own. I never really liked being in the entertainment industry because it was crammed with big egos, dishonesty, social veneer, deception and manipulation. I suddenly felt liberated from this “dream” that had become a burden, and I was ready to leave Hollywood for good. My wife was right: I did have unfinished business with Hollywood. And now it was finally finished. It was such a relief to give myself permission to move on, even though I didn’t yet know what I was moving on to. 

I immediately began doing energy healing work. I also had some powerful interactions with my mother from the other side. My wife was amazed at how quickly I became adept at these things. She concluded that it wasn’t just from reading books, but that I’d already practiced these healing arts in other lifetimes. She was experiencing some very intense pain in her body at that time, and I was able to eliminate it with hands-on energy healing. Often when I did the energy work, I would slip into a type of channeling state and my guides or angels would perform the healing through my hands. It just happened effortlessly because it was needed. Later on, I received formal Reiki training and certification. 

Over the next several years I continued to study and practice energy work, channeling, manifesting using the law of attraction, raising kundalini energy, psycho-kinesis (or telekinesis), presence meditation, and more. Intermittently, I was dealing with my own challenges resurfacing while doing a lot of inner work to heal the remaining remnants of those childhood abuses. It all seemed to culminate and take shape in a single event: when Debbianne and I returned to the Monroe Institute on vacation to mark our 7 year anniversary together, I was spontaneously invited to give a presentation.

Though I had the knowledge and experience needed to give the presentation, I froze. I felt like I was drowning. Literally I experienced the feeling of drowning. My wife, friends and program trainers helped me get through it and I gave the presentation, which was very well-received. This was a huge turning point in my life.

Before that, I had been studying quietly and occasionally teaching a friend or two. I didn’t know that I was afraid of “going public.” I was able to finally release the trauma I had been storing—stuck energy that was virtually unknown to my conscious mind. I started feeling much more relaxed and free to express myself without fear. Finally, I could make use of all my years of study and share these gifts to help and teach more people. I no longer felt paralyzed with fear of being attacked. This was huge. My conscious mind was made aware of all this, and my total self (subconscious and otherwise) was cleared of the past and brought up to date in the present moment. 

These days, the veil between our physical reality and non-physical reality or the spirit world is thinner than ever. It is part of our evolution as humans to strengthen the connection between our conscious mind and higher mind/God/universe, and integrate our whole self. Another way to say it is that the “little I” of your physical personality and ego, and the total “I Am” consciousness of your larger being are becoming less separate. And when you feel connected to yourself, you naturally feel more peaceful, happy, healthy, and whole—knowing you are on the right path.

I believe we are here at this time in history to clear away our blocks and get on with the Love and Lightwork! It’s a big turning point in human evolution and the change starts within the consciousness of each individual. 

Thank you for reading my story. I wanted to share everything with you so you’ll know that it is also safe for you to share your story with me. I’m honored to be in your life and to be able to use all these powerful tools to make your life better and more fulfilling.

With Love,
T and D

Tony & Debbianne

Work with tony

LIFE REVIEW session with New Perspectives
Tell YOUR story!

Eliminate old unwanted patterns such as self-sabotage, people-pleasing, procrastination and more - in Pattern-Changing Sessions

Personal Mentoring Sessions - get help with meditation, forgiveness, compassion, relationships, and anything else that troubles you. Also, get assistance understanding and grounding any spiritual, metaphysical or supernatural experiences you've had.

Do you have questions for Tony? Click here to get in touch.


Deeply listening to you and non-judgmentally supporting you

Expanding your mind to new perspectives on the situations you’re dealing with—perspectives that uplift and empower you and cause you to feel better

Coaching you to experience freedom from overthinking and the joy of the Present Moment

Guiding you to identify, understand, and release the root causes of unwanted patterns in your life

Emitting healing energies from the heart and hands  (Reiki energy work)

Helping you see the bigger picture of your circumstances

Helping you to process and sort out any mystical, paranormal or metaphysical experiences you’ve had including lucid dreaming, astral travel, meditation, kundalini energy, and more


Life Review

with New Perspectives


Leave your mark on this world and KNOW that your life matters.
Finish your unfinished (emotional) business with relationships, regrets, resentments, sadness, fear, doubt and worry... and convert that energy into peace and satisfaction. Don't worry, Tony knows how to guide you through all of this!

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